The premiere edition of the International Youth Minifootball Championship (IYMC) is successfully over.

It started with an ambitious idea in the minds of some officials who said that the youth are often forgotten and in the pressure of big international tournaments for adults, the younger years lack the opportunity to confront them.
The idea turned into a plan and the plan finally turned into a very nice multi-day event in Bratislava (Slovakia), where 14 teams in three different age categories U11, U13 and U15 competed.

The boys showed great performances, there were some wonderful goals, as well as defensive saves and goalkeeper saves. We saw clear matches, but also exciting fights until the last moment or penalty shootouts.
We would also like to thank the Indian team very much for choosing to come, represent their country and participate in the tournament. For the younger generations, as well as being a football competition, it is also a cross-cultural learning experience and an interesting experience of interacting with other teams.

In the top U15 category, Team India almost pulled off a huge surprise by making it to the final after a successful 1-0 semi-final result. However, as expected, the stronger Šamorín team dominated there. Nevertheless, it was a great culmination of the tournament with a perfect atmosphere.
We believe that the idea of this tournament will continue. Proof that this is the right direction were the jersey exchanges and the never-ending photo shoot of the players on the field after the tournament. Therefore, we are already looking forward to the next edition of IYMC 2024.
🥇 ZŠ Rovinka
🥈 ZŠ M. Bela, Šamorín
🥉 ZŠ Sokolíkova
Best players of team India: Aditya Sarvaiya, Mantra Vasani, Kavin
🥇 ZŠ Sokolíkova
🥈 ZŠ M. Bela, Šamorín
🥉 Cambridge International School
Best players of team India: Aarav Sejwal, Harvijaysinh Jadeja, Rajat Jagtap
🥇 ZŠ M. Bela, Šamorín
🥈 Minifootball Association of India
🥉 ZŠ Sokolíkova
Best players of team India: Rehaan, Anirudh, Bhuvan Patro